Wow this year has flown by like so many before it. So hard to believe we are on the threshold of 2023. Well since its December 1st that means there is a new Digital Scrapbook blog train live and you can download my contribution below. Before you go, be sure to scroll down below my new release to find AMarie’s cluster gift for us!

You can return here to find more contributions to this blog train.

New Release at Digital Scrapbook

I think the best mornings are when you wake up, don’t have anywhere to go and you are snowed in! Time to brew a cup of hot chocolate, tea or coffee and enjoy the cozy day at home! If you have a fireplace or wood stove a nice warm fire always adds to the charm of the morning. The best of winter days are captured in this large bundle, Cozy Mornings.

Creative Team Created : Free Cluster Gift

This beautiful cluster was created by the talented AMarie, using the Cozy Mornings bundle. She is generously sharing it with us – which you can get by clicking below.

Creative Team Inspiration

The Team has put together some fantastic, wintry and inspiring layouts using the Cozy Mornings bundle.

Layout Credits Above AMarie

Layout Credits Above Left: Poki | Center: AMarie | Right: AMarie

Layout Credits Above Left: Bourico | Right: Lou

Layout Credits Above Poki

Layout Credits Above Left: AMarie | Right: Jessica

Layout Credits Above Left & Right: AMarie

Layout Credits Above Left: AMarie | Center: Valentina | Right: AMarie

Layout Credits Above Valentina

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  1. Jessica, thanks so much for your wonderful gifts.
    Hope you & your family will have a Happy & Healthy New Year.

    Best wishes
    Helga (Blackthornne)

    1. Thank you so much Helga for your kind sentiments! ♥

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your gorgeous graphics! 🙂

    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment Brenda! ♥

  3. Thank you for the gorgeous kit x

    1. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave your thoughts Sarah! ♥

  4. And, yes, Thank-You also to Anne Marie for the pretty cluster.
    All of your CT layouts are AWESOME but I get the chills from Valentina’s layout. 🙂

    1. I cannot agree with you more ~ all my Team does an outstanding job! I cannot thank them enough! And hehe I do love how frosty Valentina’s layout feels! The frostier the better imho! ♥

  5. Thanks, Jess, for the cozy mini. It certainly contains my favorite alternatives to going out in the cold!
    Season’s Blessings.

    1. You are most welcome Gayle! It certainly is cozy to stay indoors and sip on a hot drink and watch the snowfall. ❄️ Thanks so much for stopping by!

  6. Great set!!! Thank you very much for the gift!!!

    1. You are very welcome Gala – thank you for taking the time to comment! ♥

  7. Gorgeous kit, thank you so much xoxo

    1. Thank you so much Wendy for taking the time to leave your comment!

  8. Thanks Jess, for another amazing mini-kit to go with your larger collection. The colors are very cozy and inviting.

    1. Thank you so much Sue! I enjoyed reading your comment! 🙂

  9. Thank you very much for the lovely kit and the very nice cluster !

    1. Thank you so much for visiting and taking time to comment Chloé! All the best!

  10. THANK YOU bunches 🙂

    1. You are quite welcome Crystal!

  11. Jessica, this is a beautiful collection!! Thank you for sharing the mini & thanks to Anne-Marie for the lovely cluster!! I pray you have a beautiful & blessed Holiday season — Merry Christmas!!

    1. So happy to hear you are enjoying the mini and AMarie’s cluster Pam! I appreciate all your kind comments! ♥♥♥

  12. Thank you for the lovely kit. Thank you and Merry Christmas! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for visiting!

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