It’s time for the Pixel Scrapper April 2020 blog train – Around the World! It does seem an ironic theme now since a lot of travel has been suspended lately due to the Pandemic. Just a couple of days ago the Governor in the State we live, Kentucky, has an order for us not to travel outside our state. Altho that’s not a problem for us since right now its the right time to stay home.

But we can all travel, at least in reading a book, to experience the world in maybe less than 80 days! And the same theme for the PS train is where I drew my inspiration for the ALFLT template which will be releasing this Saturday! So be sure to head back to the blog here! Meantime here is the the download link for today’s train.

And be sure to visit the forum for more goodies!

Before you go, if you would like more – I have created a full Bundle to coordinate with this month’s train, which is part of Marisa’s Good Life Collab for April! This will be exclusive for Pixel Scrapper subscribers!

Creative Team Inspiration

I’m in love with these pages from the Creative Team using the Around the World {In 80 Days} mini or bundle!

Wishing everyone a safe week!

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  1. thank you so much!

    1. You are welcome Tamalita! ♥

  2. This is so beautiful — thanks for sharing it, Jessica!

    1. Happy to share! Thank you for stopping by Pam! 🙂

  3. Thank you very much! I love it!

    1. ♥ Thanks for leaving your comment Lis!

  4. I may be staying “safe at home” but my imagination is soaring over the landscape. Thanks for my hot air balloon ride Around the World!

    1. So true ~ our imaginations are not having on lock down! Thanks for stopping by Cesc!

  5. You gals really outdid yourself this month! Thank you!

    1. 🙂 Thanks Sharon!

  6. Большое спасибо за прекрасный набор!

    1. Спасибо, Гала! ♥

  7. Thanks much!!

    1. 🙂

  8. Lovely, thanks <3

    1. Thanks for your sweet comment Megan!

  9. Thanks very much

  10. Love these colors. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Kathryn!

  11. Thank you very much. I love it!

    1. Thanks LeAnn & hopefully you now have the mini kit since I had a little mixup in the zips. 🙂

  12. Always love your ideas and designs. Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you Barbara! You might want to re-download as I just learned I had the wrong zip attached. I now have the actual mini kit up!

  13. Jessica, just thought I’d let you know that your blog train freebie download is currently linking to an “A Love For Layouts” template instead.

    1. Oh goodness thank you Amanda! Link is fixed. So sorry about that!

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